Shipboard Safety Officer
£650 (exc. VAT)
Course Duration:
3 days
Deck Officers holding unlimited OOW Certificate of Competency. Newly qualified OOW welcome.
Course Content
This Shipboard Safety Officer course meets the recommendations of the Merchant Navy Training Board (MNTB) and Code of Safe Working Practices in respect of Ship Safety Officer training.
Suitable for seafarers who are about to or are already serving as either safety representatives or safety officers.
The course addresses both accident prevention and accident investigation. Topics include:
•The latest UK health and safety regulations and IMO conventions
•Duties and responsibilities of the safety officer and safety representatives
•The safety officer’s training function onboard ship
•Accident theory, recognition and detection of hazards and assessment of risk
•Safety officer’s role in accident prevention, investigation and reporting
•Site inspection and safety committee work
•Role playing exercises simulate site inspections, accident investigations and safety committee procedure
There is a continual assessment throughout the course.
To either book or enquire about this course then please click the ‘enquire now’ button above, to access our contact form and secure your place.